the amazing adventures of outstanding alfie and ginnie gumption!

Monday, May 22, 2006

It's All Over Now, Baby Blue

I'm saying goodbye to CDs.
What was it that kept me on them for so long?
Maybe inertia. Holding on to what you've been doing is always comforting.. if it ain't broke maybe don't fix it.
Maybe it's the whole ritual of dashing to the store, scouring aisle upon aisle, with that splice of song madly looping in your mix-tape mind.
And maybe even the rite of handing over money you don't hardly have.
And maybe not finding what you were looking for, in this and all the other stores, and coming away convinced, not a little unpleased, that you maybe know something no one else does.

Maybe buying music on-line just seems too easy. A click of the mouse and maybe if you have broadband, there! it’s on your hard-drive.
Maybe you’re thinking how can anything good come from something so easy?
Maybe that's the catch.

But really it was the Sony/Columbia copy protected CD of Bob Dylan’s “Bringing It All Back Home” with no polite indication and the Virgin Lady who countered “everyone has a CD player” and the vanishment of my $12.99 and the plastic silence and laptop indignation that is the why and therefore.

"Leave your stepping stones behind, something calls for you.
Forget the dead you've left, they will not follow you.
The vagabond who's rapping at your door
Is standing in the clothes that you once wore.
Strike another match, go start anew
And it's all over now, Baby Blue.”

Friday, May 19, 2006

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Monday, May 15, 2006

World Enough & Time

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Happy Mother's Day to both our Moms!
Good job!
We have to say, you've definitely outdone yourselves with the two of us!
: p
; )

Friday, May 12, 2006

Farewell Keano!

Roy Keane appearing for the final time in a United shirt for his testimonial at Old Trafford on May 9th '06.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Death to the Machine!

Chamber Street Station 1 am


Sunday, May 07, 2006

Another Day at the Office!

Michael Schumacher wins the European Grand Prix at the Nurburgring!

Saturday, May 06, 2006


This is the sequel to this

Singaporean Re-Writes Newton's 3rd Law:
"Every Action has an Action Party"

The New Newton's 3rd Law states: "Alternative views possible without Opposition."

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

She's 75 this Week!

She's only the 9th tallest in the world and 2nd in the US but this architectural offspring of Shaq (O' Neal that is...) and Jacq (O nassis that is..) is a tall, tough and classy broad. It's no wonder Kong couldn't get enough of her.. And she's starred in more movies than Tom Hanks.. including a big supporting role in "Sleepless in Seattle".
Here's looking at you kid!

'Who Says Singapore is Not a True Democrazy?!'
aka 'That's 4¢ Worth'

SINGAPORE : "Mentally unstable voters will get special help on polling day.

The Elections Department says no voters will be refused a ballot paper if their name appears on the Register of Electors.

In response to queries, it says election officials will attempt to explain to the mentally infirm how to vote.

However, if it is clear they are unable to comprehend what they are doing, officials will seek agreement from all the polling agents present that the voter be allowed to cast a blank vote."

Excerpt from: "Special help for mentally unstable voters on polling day"
By Rita Zahara, Channel NewsAsia

'Your Quality of Lift Will Improve!'
aka '2¢ Worth'

The Singapore general elections are coming up.

"The hallmark of this election so far has been its predictability, in terms of where candidates from all parties will be fielded, and what analysts call "a profound lack of issues".

... But analysts I spoke to in fact agree that there is a pressing issue at hand, which is the future of Singapore, and where the elderly and needy stand in this future.

However, the "missing form incident" came along, and has hijacked the hustings.

Eugene Tan, Assistant Law Professor, SMU, said: "That prevents the parties from engaging on the issues that matter. It is not that the James Gomez issue doesn't matter. I think we need to rise above this, given that elections provide a rare opportunity for political parties to engage the voters in a very intensive campaign. I don't think if it drags on, it will do either party any benefit and in the end the voters will probably stand to lose because the real issues that matter... don't get aired."

... Some local issues have, however, managed to surface, such as lift upgrading, which seems to be the immediate need of residents at this election."

Excerpt from: "James Gomez issue will not be deciding factor in vote: analysts" by Hwee Goh, Channel NewsAsia

Monday, May 01, 2006

It Being Spring in New York City, Rarely
A Day Passes By Without a Rally! Really!

Gumption and Outstanding Go on a Peace March on Broadway, Whereby They Meet Donald, Condoleeza, Dick and W., and Some Scary Nuns and W., and Some Peace-Lovin' Folk Bursting with Song in the Blazing Sun and W., and Some Hooded & Masked People Carrying Corrugated Corpses and W., and Some Other Folk, Many with Placards Aloft, One Seeming Dejected In Orange In a Cage, and Marching Flag-Bearing Communists and Once More Even, Again, W.