the amazing adventures of outstanding alfie and ginnie gumption!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Someone is very very very very very veeerrry olddddd!

Yes! We are talking about a certain Gumpy Old Woman!

Because we should always respect the wishes of the elderly, we had a little celebratory meal at Sylvia's in Harlem, home of the World's Best Fried Chicken according to a certain very very very very very veeerrry olddddd Fried Chicken Expert.. you just can't beat deep fried batter made with one part flour, one part butter milk and one billion trillion part salt! No wonder they say it's dangerous up there in Harlem!!

Later at the party, we had a gigantic (btw the photos are not to scale) strawberry cheesecake from the World's Best Cheesecake joint.. according to a certain very very very very very veeerrry olddddd Best Cheesecake Expert, from Eileen's Cheesecake in Soho. Yummo!

"OK! enough photos already... Can I eat now? Yummy Delish!"

"OK! enough photos already... Can I eat now? Yummy Delish!"

"OK! enough photos already... CAN I EAT NOW? YUMMY DELISH!"


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