Blizzard of '06
We've been having unseasonably warm weather here. Some days it's like 10, 12 degrees celsius. In the middle of winter (ought to be in the 5deg range)! But of course, there's nothing as fickle as the weather. Before we could say "white out!" the biggest single day snow fall in New York City's history had come, covered and gone! 29 inches of snow over parts of NY. 26 inches in Central Park.. er.. thats 2ft plus (er.. that's up to your knees.. er.. for the shorter people and those under 5 yrs, thigh level.. you know who you are!) in a day! Up until then the total of the whole of this winter (it's been about six weeks so far) was 12 inches! Temperatures were close to zero. You know it's time to bring out the heavy coats when you start breathing out 'dragon breath' in the normally warm subway stations.
This is the view out our window on the morning of the blizzard! You can't tell where the road ends and the pavement starts! And you can actually see the snow pelting down. It had been like this throughout the night and would maintain this intensity throughout the day!
Erm? Dude! Where's my car???!
This is a rare shot of a traffic free Broadway.. normally crammed with human and jammed with vehicular traffic. That's Trinity Church to the left. There's little snow on the road as the City's Sanitation Departments snow plows have been working through the night to clear it. The snow is basically swept and piled in banks on the curbs.
Another shot down Broadway, this time looking downtown. Somewhere in the mist is Wall Street. On a clear day you can see all the way down almost to the end of Broadway, with the patch of open sky where Broadway ends. Ginnie is looking at her boots because the wind is carrying the snow horizontally and into her face and eyes! Or so I'm told.
Snow is beautiful and all while it's making it's way down. But once it hits the ground it becomes a physical challenge! It's cold, can be treacherously slippery, and slushy at parts where it's been treaded on a lot like at traffic junctions. You can see here how the snow is 'falling' sideways!
The gusts of wind were so strong they knocked Ginnie over! haha! No! it's a crazy snow angel!
That's city hall behind those trees.
Brooklyn Bridge! We only went half the way. The wind and cold was just a little bit much for us tropical people!

At 2/17/2006 12:33 AM,
Manic Mummy said…
What were the two of you doing out in weather like that?! Should stay indoors where it's toasty.
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