the amazing adventures of outstanding alfie and ginnie gumption!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Geri's Farewell and Birthday!

A former colleague of Ginnie's, Geri has been living and working in NY for the past 4 and a half years. But because of this and that, they lost touch and we didn't even realise that she was in NY until we bumped into her at the National Day Party at the Singapore Commision in NY!! But sadly, Geri is going back to Singapore!
Good luck Geri! And take care!!

Front row l-r, Robyn (Soh Chin's cousin), Soh chin, Clay (Soh Chin's friend, a film-maker), Zeke (Clay's son), Geri, Ginnie, Choon Keat. Back row, an over-enthusiastic bunch of people who started on the Birthday song without Geri!!!

Geri's friend Marian's really cool one bed-room at Brooklyn Heights. The bedroom (in the photo it is buried under all the guests' coats, it was a cold day!) opens up to a lovely veranda!

Brooklyn Heights! Just down the street to Marian's place.. Yes that's the Manhattan skyline and the little sticky-out thing on the horizon on the left is the Statue of Liberty! And the orangey blob in the middle of the water is the Staten Island Ferry!


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