the amazing adventures of outstanding alfie and ginnie gumption!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

HAPPY JOY! Rifes Times Aheivesments Award!


I, Joy Gwee, predge myself to be loyal member of Happy Joy forever more. From today forwards, when i hear a happiness melody, I will immediatry bend one knee, crap two hand, and immobilise into jump star pose.

Long Live Action Life!"

This is what ballelina Joy Gwee (Running Man Champagne of the World, 2004) had to say about HAPPY JOY!

So, for her Honestly feeling and Action rifestyle, for her always Plepare bend one knee, crap two hand, for her many Patients, for her Youthsfulness, for her everlyday 50 Jump-star, for being ready steady On-the-Ball, and rast but not reast, for her having Yuniverstity, New York Chinatown's Number One Flower Dance Troups!, HAPPY JOY! is grad to plesent JOY GWEE with the HAPPY JOY! RIFES TIMES ACHEIVESMENTS AWARD!

Cally on the Good Work, ballelina JOY GWEE!
Long may you Healthsty!

Everlyone Go Happy! Gualantee!
- Award made possible by the generous contribution of New York Canal St. Dance Institute, Flushing School of Loud Chinese Percussive Instruments not including Gongs and Cymbals and Mott Street Fish Monger Association ("If you can't smell it! We won't sell it!").


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