For Your Info!

Many people have ask us why we call our Number One Flower Drum Dance Troupe HAPPY JOY!?
There are many reasons to be HAPPY JOY!
We continue to persever to give our fans the best satisfaction because we beliefs:
H - Honestly - that is the best policy!
A - Action - Leading a action lifestyle to be healthsty!
P - Plepare - Always be plepare!
P - Patients - Patients is golden!
Y - Youthsful - We must be youthsful to society!
J - Jump-Star - To improve action!
O - On-The-Ball - Ready steady!
Y - Yuniversity - All things are plecious in the Yuniverse!
Yours Sincerelity
Everlyone Go Happy! Gualantee!:
Happy Lee - Choleoglaphy (MFA. New York Canal St. Dance Institute)
Happy Lim - Flee-style Lotus master
Joy Gwee - Ballelina
Joy Teo - Dlums
At 10/26/2005 7:11 AM,
Manic Mummy said…
Can I join Happy Joy also?
At 10/26/2005 11:56 AM,
ginnie & alfie said…
Thank for you interlest!
Can you lance? Play Dum?
Do you beliefs in Action life?
How many jump-star you can jump?
Have Yuniversity?
Masterly of Engrish Impotant!
Please send lesume!
Happy Lee -
Choleoglaphee (MFA. New York Canal St. Dance Institute)
Dlumming (Diploma, Flushing School of Loud Chinese Percussive Instruments not including Gongs and Cymbals)
At 10/30/2005 11:48 PM,
Manic Mummy said…
This is my lesumee:
I can do two-finger happiness pee-sign at dlop of a hat. I can oso play piano, keyboard, and base geetar. At moment, I is pregnant with son of my husband, so velli difficut to do jump-star. But I have Yuniversity. Study Engrish leetritur. Guarantee Engrish good!
(If my baby comes out speaking broken Engrish, it will be all your fault, Happy Lee!)
Lala Kan
Musiquecian and Plofessional Model (BA, Greenwich St. Samseng School)
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